Preparations for my semester abroad in Seattle

Getting ready for my semester abroad in Seattle The preparations for my semester in Seattle were a mix of excitement and organization. After making the decision to go to the US, my university introduced me to World of Students. The organization helped me plan my trip step by step, including important documents I had to take care of.

The first step was applying to the university, which meant gathering all the paperwork, like my financial statement and language certificate. World of Students sent me a list of available courses, and after checking with my professors to make sure the credits would transfer, I finalized my class choices. Once all the documents were ready, World of Students submitted them, and soon enough, I had my F1 letter and could apply for my visa!

The visa process took a while, but holding my visa in hand was worth it—especially because it meant I could finally book my flight!

I decided to live in the student residence offered (Cornish Commons) since it’s a fun, easy way to meet people in a big, new city. And it totally paid off! Within 20 minutes of arriving, I already made awesome friends who showed me around the city and dorm. I’d even reached out to my future roommate a bit before arriving. It was nice to get to know her a little, and as a bonus—she speaks a bit of German! We get along well, which is a huge plus.

In the months leading to my departure, I worked to save up for my study fees and all the other expenses. Overall, it was such an exciting experience, but I couldn’t have done it without the support from World of Students. They kept me on top of deadlines, and whenever I had a question, they responded right away. Having their help made everything much easier!

Starte jetzt dein Studium in Seattle

Beratung, Bewerbung und Betreuung

Du bist auf der Suche nach dem perfekten Studium? Dann bist du bei uns genau richtig! Entdecke jetzt die Möglichkeit, an der City University of Seattle ein unvergessliches Studium im Ausland zu erleben.

Du weißt noch nicht genau, wo es hingehen soll oder konntest das passende Studienprogramm noch nicht finden? Kein Problem! Vereinbare noch heute deinen persönlichen Beratungstermin mit einem unserer World of Students Studienberater. Jeder von uns hat selbst im Ausland studiert und wir freuen uns sehr darauf, unsere Erfahrungen und unser Wissen mit dir zu teilen. Wir beraten dich gerne kompetent und unverbindlich und unterstützen dich bei der Suche, Planung, dem Bewerbungsprozess und der Durchführung deines Auslandssemesters. Wir freuen uns sehr von dir zu hören. Nutze deine Chance - ein unvergessliches Studium im Ausland wartet auf dich!

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    City University of Seattle

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    International College of Management, Sydney
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