Study in Latin America

The higher education landscape of Latin America is as diverse as the nature of this unique cultural region, which encompasses both South and Central America. There is probably no other continent that offers such diversity for nature lovers. From the Caribbean coast to the wild shores of the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans to the sheer vastness of Patagonia, the rainforest and the huge mountain ranges of the Andes - every day of your semester abroad here is a true adventure. While the landscape is characterized by its vastness, the people of Latin America are known for their spirited nature and their closeness to each other, which is expressed mainly in music and dance, but also, for example, at soccer or during carnival. Among the fun-loving locals, you will make friends for life in no time. The university system is also rather school-like, which means that you will quickly get in contact with your fellow students due to the small group size of the courses. Do you want to add a real highlight to your resume and experience the adventure of a lifetime at the same time? Then studying in Latin America is the right choice for you!

Find the right university in Latin America:

Search result: 4 Universities in 4 Countries

Argentina ar Argentina (1)
Universidad Austral

Universidad Austral

Universidad Austral is a private, non-profit higher education institution. It is a 40-year-old university with around 7349 (2020) students (53% undergraduate, 47% graduate). Austral runs programs in downtown Buenos Aires, in Pilar (a suburban campus close to the city of Buenos Aires), and Rosario city, in Santa Fe province. Its short history has witnessed Austral become a highly regarded institution in Argentina and the Region (QS: #2 in Argentina, #26 in Latin America, #400 Worldwide, #28 Top 50 under 50), with a leading role in some fields and high employability rates.
In our first 40 years as a University, we have created a multidisciplinary ecosystem that educates people to provide solutions to the greatest social challenges. Building interdisciplinary teams among ten different schools, a University Hospital and a Business Park, we work alongside other members of society to make the world a better place.

Costa Rica cr Costa Rica (1)
Universidad Latinoamericana de Cienca y Tecnologia

Universidad Latinoamericana de Cienca y Tecnologia

The Latin American University of Science and Technology (ULACIT) is not only the #1 private university of Costa Rica, but is also very proud of their innovative and unique educational systems targeted at future entrepreneurs and leadership positions. The university does not give traditional exams, but rather focuses on research projects, case studies and presentation for evaluation to encourage independent studies in students. International students are able to study together with locals in a completely English-taught environment. Studying at this reputable university in a tropical place will. be the experience of a lifetime for everyone.

Grenada gd Grenada (1)
St. George's University

St. George's University

Founded in 1976 with the goal of drawing the best talent and practices from around the world, St. George’s University in Grenada has become a leading center for academic excellence worldwide. With students and faculty drawn from more than 150 countries, they truly are an international institution, perfectly poised to help educate students in this rapidly changing world. SGU has over 19,000 School of Medicine graduates in the US and around the world who are part of a strong alumni network. As of July 2021, no other medical school in the world provides more new doctors to the US healthcare system.

Peru pe Peru (1)
Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola

Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola

Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola has more than half a century of history in which it has built one of the most solid and reliable educational organizations in Peru. The Direction of International Relations is a fundamental piece in the academic development and global relations. It allows the development of institutional partnerships at different levels of study and facilitates academic areas to establish multiple projects with USIL strategic partners around the world, offering global academic programs to Peru and to the world.