Studieren in Spanien Studieren in Spanien

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Suchergebnis: 10 Universität(en) in Spain

Spain es Spain (10)
Cesine Santander

Cesine Santander

CESINE is an higher education institution with more than 27 years of history. It is recognized externally for its quality training, its international character and its marked orientation to the development of soft skills and competencies most demanded by companies and recruiters.

CESINE’s presence among the best positions in international rankings reflects its commitment to excellence. Furthermore, CESINE has obtained the highest score in teaching, employability, facilities and social commitment in the prestigious ranking ‘QS Stars’.

Our outstanding faculty comes from the fields of business, consulting and research and has extensive teaching experience, serving up-to-date, practical and demanding education.

EU Business School Barcelona

EU Business School Barcelona

Established in 1973, EU Business School (EU) is an international, professionally accredited, high-ranking business school with campuses in Barcelona, Geneva, Munich and online. We offer foundation, Bachelor’s, Master’s, MBA, DBA and further education programs which focus on business administration, communication & public relations, international business, digital business, data analysis, sports management, marketing, finance and enterprise, among others.

EUSA University Centre, Seville, Spain

EUSA University Centre, Seville, Spain

EUSA is a private University Center affiliated with University of Seville and directed by the Chamber of Commerce of Seville. Founded in 1961, this leading academic institution is centrally located in downtown Seville and has a current student population of approximately 2000 with 20% internationals.

Nebrija University

Nebrija University

Since its creation in 1995, Nebrija University has maintained the differentiating values of its educational model, based on quality teaching as well as on research as knowledge creation, which includes a comprehensive training of different skills, competences and abilities of all its students. These are key values that are crucial to achieve the development of individual talent and the best opportunities for professional integration too.

Our philosophy is to learn by doing, which becomes a unique university experience. In fact, it is a vital experience in the transformation of the student towards a global knowledge in order to start and lead the changes in which he or she is immersed.

Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia

Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia

UCAM is a Catholic University in which higher education is offered, researchers are trained and professionals are prepared by means of the generation and transmission of science, technology and culture, according to rational truth and in the light of faith of the Catholic Church.

Teaching methodology applied to small groups; continuous assessment; development of personal autonomy and spirit of service; promotion of teamwork; stimulation of personal and collective creativity, and in constant contact with professional environments through internships.

At UCAM, our priority in teaching is to provide personal attention to students and to empower them to develop their skills and abilities through unique program offerings. Our Study Abroad program offers a wide range of courses in fields such as Modern Languages, Business, Sport Sciences and Tourism Studies. All courses are entirely taught in English and students are encouraged to gain a true cultural experience in Murcia and Spain by attending Spanish Language courses, also offered at UCAM.

Universidad de Alicante

Universidad de Alicante

The University of Alicante (UA), located in San Vicente del Raspeig, has more than 30.000 students and it is a very popular destination for international students who wish to take part in an exchange programme, a participation that can open a wide range of training options, new opportunities and unique experiences.

About fifty bachelor’s degrees, more than seventy university departments and research groups on the fields of social and law sciences, technology, humanities, education and health sciences, and eighteenuniversity research institutes present one of the most prestigious research activities in the country.

The campus of the University of Alicante is consideredone of the best campuses in Europe: one million square meters with the best urbanistic design, the most innovative architecture within a frame of environmental excellence (extensive green areas, landscape design, pedestrian, cultural, sport and educational areas...) and a wide variety of services.

The UA commits strongly to the mobility of its students. Special attention is paid to foreign students in order to facilitate their integration in the campus and its cultural and sport activities. This process begins with welcoming events right after the student’s arrival. Throughout their stay, students are also given housing alternatives and information about the society, art, history and geography of the province of Alicante.

Universidad Europea de Madrid

Universidad Europea de Madrid

The Universidad Europea is the biggest private University in Madrid and one of the top 3 private universities in all Spain. It´s high tech facilities are inspired by american universities, with all the amenities for an integral college experience, as indoor and outdooor pool, fully eqquiped gym, tennis, paddle, basket and soccer court. It has four campuses at absolutely gorgeous locations in Spain - two in Madrid, one in Valencia and one on the Canary Islands. International students have the chance to experience the typical Spanish lifestyle in a mediterranean climate coupled with top academic studies. The private institution offers many classes in Spanish, but due to it´s international core and value system, also provides more than 70 bilingual or completely English taught courses. The study areas of Universidad Europea include: Business, Art & Design, Health & Wellbeing, Humanities & Culture, Psychology, Tourism & Hospitality, Media & Communications and Engineering.

Universidad Europea de Valencia

Universidad Europea de Valencia

Universidad Europea de Valencia is an inclusive and global institution that is open to the world, the city of Valencia and all its private and public agents. We are a multi-faceted, diverse university that is committed to digital transformation and innovation from a spirit of continuous improvement. A university that is aware of the requirements of a constantly changing world and one that demands the best version of ourselves as people and as professionals.

That’s why our daily commitment lies in offering our students a comprehensive and differential education through an academic model that focuses on four major dimensions: intellectual, professional, international and socioethical. This model is aimed at ensuring our students are successful professionals who become the leaders of tomorrow, applying all of the knowledge, skills, values and pride they acquired studying here.

Universidad Francisco de Vitoria Madrid

Universidad Francisco de Vitoria Madrid

Universidad Francisco de Vitoria (UFV) is a private, non-profit Catholic university located in metropolitan Madrid, Spain. Founded in 1993, it has since become a fastgrowing institution of higher education with a student body of over 5500 undergraduate students and 4000 postgraduate students. Today the campus houses seven faculties, including a prestigious school of Culinary Arts (Le Cordon Bleu), a Vocational Training Center (CETYS), a Postgraduate Studies Center, an Executive Consulting and Coaching Center (IDDI), and a Medical Simulation Center, which collectively cover the full spectrum of training, research and education.

In accordance with our motto, “overcome evil with good”, not only do we wish to train scientists and professionals efficiently, but also to educate people who can actively contribute to building

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

The Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) is perfect for a semester abroad. Students from over 50 different nationalities travel to Barcelona every year to take one or two semesters abroad at UAB.
Study abroad students can take part in one of the three programs:
The Pre-established Study Abroad Program; only offered to international students who can combine lessons in English with Spanish Language Lessons. The Selected Courses Study Abroad Program where international students integrate with Spanish students in lessons taught in Spanish, Catalan or English.
GAP Year Program; for students who have finished their secondary school studies and want to have a first experience at the university with other international students having lessons in English.

Vamos a la Playa! Diesen Satz wirst du bei einem Studium in Spanien vermutlich öfter verwenden. In dem sonnigen Land im Süden Europas macht Studieren so richtig Spaß - denn neben akademisch hochwertigen Kursen an Universitäten wie der Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona, welche jedes Jahr Studierende aus der ganzen Welt anzieht, bietet ein Studium in Spanien auch ein unvergessliches Abenteuer voller Sonne, Strand und Kultur.

Während sich die traumhaften Strände der Balearen und Kanaren verlockend für einen Wochenendtrip anbieten, gibt es auch in den zahlreichen malerischen Dörfern, Fincas und Gassen der Altstadt viel zu entdecken. Hier triffst du auf kulturelle Attraktionen, traditionelle Straßenfeste mit geselligen und lebensfrohen Spaniern und ein sofortiges Lebensgefühl zwischen mittäglicher Siesta und abendlicher Fiesta.

Abseits des Hörsaals bietet das Land eine Fülle von Freizeitmöglichkeiten, die jeden Geschmack ansprechen. Ob du dich für Wassersport an den Küsten, Wandern in den Bergen, oder das Erkunden historischer Städte interessierst – Spanien hat für jeden etwas zu bieten. Die zahlreichen malerischen Dörfer und Altstädte laden zum Flanieren und Entdecken ein, während traditionelle Feste und Veranstaltungen einen Einblick in die reiche Kultur und Lebensweise Spaniens geben.

In Barcelona, der kosmopolitischen Hauptstadt Kataloniens, erwarten dich nicht nur atemberaubende Architektur und pulsierende Straßen, sondern auch eine lebhafte Musik- und Kunstszene, die Tag und Nacht für Unterhaltung sorgt.

Mit seinem mediterranen Klima, seiner vielfältigen Kultur und seinem lebendigen Lebensstil bietet Spanien eine einzigartige Atmosphäre, die Studierende aus der ganzen Welt anzieht.

So bietet Spanien eine einzigartige Atmosphäre zum Studieren und Leben, welche man in kaum einem anderen Land findet. ¡Viva España!

Webinare & Veranstaltungen

Bleibe auf dem Laufenden über informative Webinare und Veranstaltungen zum Studieren in Spanien.

Entdecke Asien in deinem Auslandssemester!

World of Students

13.09.2024 16:00 Uhr - Marisa Kasselmann


Ein Auslandsaufenthalt in Asien reizt dich schon lange? Worauf wartest du noch? Erfahre bei uns alles wissesnwerte rund ums Auslandsstudium in Asien und lass dich von den tollen Eindrücken und Bildern inspirieren.

13.09.2024 um 16:00 Uhr mit Marisa Kasselmann

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Studiere in Australien am ICMS

International College of Management, Sydney

25.09.2024 14:00 Uhr - Bianca Sauer

International College of Management, Sydney
25.09.2024 um 14:00 Uhr mit Bianca Sauer

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Info Session zum Auslandssemester in Europa

World of Students

25.09.2024 16:00 Uhr - Svenja Preker


Du weißt noch nicht genau wohin die Reise gehen soll? Kein Problem, in unserem Webinar stellen wir dir verschiedene attraktive Universitäten in Europa vor! Studieren im sonnigen Spanien, das antike Griechenland entdecken am ACT in Thessaloniki oder neue Erfahrungen in Ungarn sammeln - wir finden für jeden das passende Angebot.

25.09.2024 um 16:00 Uhr mit Svenja Preker

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