USA usSan Diego State University


Number of Students


International Students


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San Diego State University
University Description:

San Diego State University is not only the oldest and largest university of the California State Universities System, but also one of the most reputable state-owned university in the entire USA. This research university offers a wide variety of top-ranking study programs from business, international business, fine arts, engineering and so many more. The beautiful, huge campus with Aztec style architecture, shops, bars and entertainment and lots of students dormitories makes the student experience in the "finest city of America" a once in a lifetime trip.

Term system & start dates:

Bachelor / Master: Semester

2. Term: January 16, 2025 to May 22, 2025

Application Deadline: November 1, 2024

1. Term: August 20, 2025 to December 18, 2025

Application Deadline: June 1, 2025

More dates
Recuni Header Image Mission_Beach_1


Location: San Diego

Map of the City

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