USA usSan Jose State University


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International Students


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San Jose State University
University Description:

San Jose State University is the premier public institution in the western United States and has a gorgeous campus with a total enrollment of 32,000 students. Students can choose from a variety of courses that include 145 majors and 108 concentrations. SJSU's diversity is also evident in the various sports, arts, and entertainment offerings on campus, from which students benefit. The university is located in the heart of Silicon Valley and is the home of innovation, entrepreneurship and technology. The weather in San Jose is great all year long. It is one of the most diverse cities in den U.S. and there are more than 100 languages spoken. Furthermore, it is the 10th largest city in the U.S. and the 3rd largest city in California.

Term system & start dates:

Bachelor / Master: Semester

1. Term: August 14, 2024 to December 18, 2024

Application Deadline: June 15, 2024

2. Term: September, 2024 to December, 2024
More dates
1. Term: January, 2025 to May, 2025
2. Term: September, 2025 to December, 2025
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Location: San Jose

Map of the City

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