Singapore sgJames Cook University Singapore


Number of Students


International Students


Number of Programs

James Cook University Singapore
University Description:

The Singapore campus of James Cook University is fully owned by James Cook University Australia, which is ranked in the top 300 of universities in the world1,2. James Cook University Australia established its Singapore campus in 2003 as part of its expressed intent of internationalising its activities and offers a suite of university level programs at the Singapore campus covering the areas of Business, Information Technology, Psychology, Education, Science, Commerce, Accounting, Aquaculture, Environmental Science, Games Design, Tourism and Hospitality.

James Cook University has the highest level of quality assurance in Singapore for Private Education Institutions. This is known as EduTrust Star and is a symbol of recognition for outstanding achievement. EduTrust Star is awarded to those institutions for attaining a commendable level of performance in managing their institutions and providing an outstanding quality of education and welfare for their students.

Term system & start dates:

Bachelor: Trimester

1. Term: September 16, 2024 to December 14, 2024

Application Deadline: June 16, 2024

Orientation: September 9, 2024

More dates
1. Term: February, 2025 to April, 2025
2. Term: May, 2025 to August, 2025
3. Term: September, 2025 to December, 2025

Master: Trimester

1. Term: September 16, 2024 to December 14, 2024

Application Deadline: June 16, 2024

Orientation: September 9, 2024

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Location: Singapore

Map of the City

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