Netherlands nlVrije Universiteit Amsterdam


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Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
University Description:

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam is a leading European research university with 25,000 students and 2,500 academic staff. Approximately 15% of the student body is made up of international students. The university is host to nine different faculties on one centralized campus and offers more than a thousand English-taught courses in fields of study ranging from Humanities to Law to Medicine. With more than 50 Bachelor's degree programmes and over 100 Master's degree programmes, the university offers a wide range of study options. All Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes at VU Amsterdam are accredited (officially recognised) by the Accreditation Organization of the Netherlands and Flanders (NVAO). No other country matches the Dutch percentage of universities in the top 200.

Term system & start dates:

Bachelor / Master: Semester

2. Term: February, 2025 to July, 2025
1. Term: September, 2025 to February, 2025
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2. Term: February, 2026 to July, 2026
1. Term: September, 2026 to February, 2026
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Location: Amsterdam

Map of the City

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