Grenada gdSt. George's University


Number of Students


International Students


Number of Programs

St. George's University
University Description:

Founded in 1976 with the goal of drawing the best talent and practices from around the world, St. George’s University in Grenada has become a leading center for academic excellence worldwide. With students and faculty drawn from more than 150 countries, they truly are an international institution, perfectly poised to help educate students in this rapidly changing world. SGU has over 19,000 School of Medicine graduates in the US and around the world who are part of a strong alumni network. As of July 2021, no other medical school in the world provides more new doctors to the US healthcare system.

Term system & start dates:

Bachelor / Master: Semester

2. Term: January, 2025 to June, 2025
1. Term: August, 2025 to December, 2025
More dates
2. Term: January, 2026 to June, 2026
1. Term: August, 2026 to December, 2026
Recuni Header Image Close_up_aerial_seaside_view_SGU_Grenada_campus


Location: St. George's

Map of the City

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